If you have questions about eDocs, take a look at the list of FAQs below for some helpful information. 


How do I enroll in eDocs?

Your enrollment to eDocs is requested from within Internet Banking. Simply log in to Online Banking and click on the eDocs tab to learn more about the service and to start the enrollment process.

Can I access eDocs from my mobile phone?

eDocs is only accessible via Online Banking. eDocs is not currently available using the OFBC Mobile Banking App.

How long does it take to enroll in eDocs?

Once enrollment is requested, your eDocs account will generally be enabled within two business days. Once enabled, simply return to the eDocs tab to complete your enrollment.  Because we know our clients are busy, we will provide periodic reminders to complete your enrollment using the Online Banking messaging function.

What kind of documents can I receive electronically through eDocs?

Documents currently available through eDocs enrollment include:

  • Annual Escrow Account Disclosure Statements
  • Loan Payment, Maturity and Past Due Notices
  • Deposit Account NSF and Activity (i.e., Stop Payment) Notices
  • Loan Interest Paid Letters
  • 1098 Mortgage Interest Paid Letters
  • 1099 Deposit Account Interest Paid Letters
  • 1099-SA Health Savings Distribution Letters
  • Health Savings Status Letters
  • Home Equity Statements
  • Personal Unsecured LOC Statements
  • Health Savings Account Annual Distribution

Why don’t I see all of my accounts in eDocs?

Your eDocs enrollment will automatically include all OFBC accounts that contain the same Primary Owner Tax Identification Number (TIN) or Social Security Number (SSN) that is listed on your OFBC Online Banking account.

How can I begin receiving documents electronically for my other OFBC accounts?

Notice an account is missing? To add eDocs access to any additional OFBC accounts currently included in your Online Banking access, contact us at 1-866-347-3440, or send a request using the Secure Messaging system located within Online Banking.

Can I receive my year-end tax notices through eDocs?

Access to Year End Tax Notices (1099, 1098, 1099-SA, Health Savings Status) can only be requested by the Primary Owner for each Loan, Deposit Account or Health Savings Account. The Primary Owner is determined by the TIN or SSN that is utilized to complete required IRS Annual Reporting.

Will I still receive my mailed paper statements if I enroll in eDocs?

Enrollment of an account in any eligible eDocs document will automatically eliminate any future mailed statements or notices for that applicable document.

What is the time frame for the statements I will be able to see in eDocs?

eDocs will only make available documents that are created after your enrollment date.  For copies of available eDocs notices created prior to your enrollment date, visit your local Financial Center, or contact Old Fort Bank at 1-866-347-3440. Note, to receive Year End Tax Notices via eDocs, you must be enrolled by 12/31 annually.

Can more than one person enroll into eDocs for the same account?

Yes, additional recipients are available for your eDocs enrolled accounts. As an eDocs account owner, you can request enrollment of up to three additional recipients. To enroll a recipient, a valid email address for the recipient is required. Upon the delivery of the first enrolled eDocs notice, all additional recipients will be notified via email and will be required to create a personal eDocs account to access their assigned documents. 
