Seven Tips for Safer Online Holiday Shopping
The challenges brought on by the coronavirus pandemic are changing the way holiday shopping will look throughout the country this year. For some, it will remain in person with face masks, hand sanitizer, social distancing and the like. But for a majority of Americans, holiday purchases will be conducted primarily online in order to limit potential exposures to the virus. If you're planning on purchasing the majority of your holiday gifts online this year, here are a few tips to keep your credit cards and your bank accounts safe.
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Ways to Spend Less, Save More in Difficult Times
If you or others in your family are facing difficult times financially, perhaps from a job loss or wage cuts, it is especially important to spend less on nonessential items so you have more money to pay essential bills or to add to a savings account you can tap in an emergency. Here are some strategies.
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Money Market Account or Savings Account: Which is Right for You?
An essential part of creating a stable financial future is being able to set aside savings, whether for a rainy day or for your future. Putting money in a money market account or savings account is a safe, low-risk way to keep your funds liquid. They are both excellent financial tools that put your savings to work while earning interest. However, depending on your financial goals or personal situation, one account could be preferable over the other.
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Back to School: Make Financial Education a Priority
According to a recent financial literacy survey conducted by Charles Schwab, 63% of Americans believe that financial education should be a priority for their children, and 65% think that schools should provide the lessons. However, only a small percentage of U.S. schools actually require students to take a personal finance course. As the COVID-19 pandemic exposes how financially vulnerable many people in our nation are, here are a few ways that you can teach your kids some basic money management skills.
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Tips for Saving and Paying for College Tuition
The cost of going to college keeps going up. In fact, sometimes it may seem like getting a degree is unaffordable. However, there are many ways to help make college more affordable for you, your family members, or your children. Here are a few tips and tricks.
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